Our Mission
Did you know that, in the United States, we lose over 20 veterans per day to suicide and that veteran/combat and first responder marriages carry a higher divorce rate than civilian marriages? As veterans and/or first responders, we know firsthand the unique struggles and sacrifices you encounter. PTSD, depression, and other mental health struggles continue to take a devastating toll, adding more soldiers and families to the growing crisis every day. Families are being ripped apart by the traumas experienced by these brave individuals while serving us. By the grace of God, our mission is to stand in the gap by focusing on three pillars: God, family, and people. We combat the darkness by arming ourselves with the Truth of Jesus Christ shining through our every weakness and restoring our fighting spirit.

Meet The Board

Brandon Lemke
President | Marine Corps

Dan Pooley
Vice President | US Army

Travis Anderson
Treasurer | US Army

Shara Crow
Secretary | Army Wife

Joseph Sepulveda
US Navy

Archie Brown II
US Army

Eliza Reyes
US Army
As a community, Callsign Victor stewards an environment of promoting mental, emotional, and spiritual health through the teachings and leadership of Jesus Christ.
We believe
Jesus Christ, is the Son of God, born of a virgin, died sinless on a sinners’ cross and was resurrected on the third day to demonstrate the depth of His love and commitment for us. He arose back to his throne to prepare a place for us, His bride, and is coming again to purge evil from existence.
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Though we endure sufferings for a short time and are subject to the dark, Jesus is the door to a life of hope, a life of purpose, and a life without darkness.
The mystery of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three unique persons of God in perfect submission to each other. They present a perfect example of relationship for us to follow.
The Bible is a collection of documents, divinely preserved and inspired by God. This scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness, that a person of God may be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work.

When we read the book of Nehemiah, we find that Nehemiah was not a soldier, he was not a peace keeper nor did he serve in any type of office. He was the kings’ cup bearer, a “regular Joe”. He put his life on the line everyday to prevent the assassination of the king by testing a sip of wine to find out if it was poisoned. One day a heavy burden was laid upon Nehemiah’s heart, due to news received from Judah, to go and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem that lay in waste and its gates burned with fire- the King made a way for him to go! You see, Israel had been conquered and exiled by the Persians at that time. The survivors that continued to reside there were living in great distress and reproach from their tribulations of captivity. The King expressly gave Nehemiah authorization to go back to his home land and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he assessed the damage under cover of darkness and then presented the plan of reconstruction to the city’s inhabitants. The people he had at his disposal were not skilled craftsmen nor artisans. These people were goldsmiths, perfumers, priests, fathers, mothers, and children; all regular people with no training and no skills to achieve a daunting task such as rebuilding a formidable wall!
When the Israelites received opposition by force, Nehemiah implemented 24/7 security measures. One person worked and the other pulled guard to fend off any one who dare stand in the way of their God-given task. Each person looking out for one another. The people of Israel, effectively, had a sword in one hand while stacking stones with the other- sword strapped builders. In the end, reconstruction was finished in only 52 days! The Israelites didn’t just build a wall, they built relationships that stood up to the rigors of battle. Every person was working together under one common goal… to rebuild their home and to renew true worship to the God of the universe! THAT was their purpose while they were still dwelling on earth with the gift of breath in their lungs; to FIGHT for their home, to FIGHT for the future of their children.
God has heard our plea for respite from the constant, unrelenting enemy bombardment but He has gone before us to prepare a way and gives us the tools to fight back! Will you fight with us, as we fight to preserve our God-given liberties while we still dwell with breath in our lungs?
Your financial gift is 100% tax deductible and directly funds our retreats.